Russian Army Concrete Fire Point (Jaunolaine)

Russian Army Concrete Fire Point (Jaunolaine)
 Olaines pagasts, Latvia
 +371 22057669
 Vēsturnieks Māris Ribickis

Located in Olaine district, on the side of Jaunolaine highway A8 at the turn to Plakanciems.

The reinforced concrete fortification or fire station built by the Russian army during the First World War was a fortification building to increase the activity of machine guns and protect soldiers. There is a specially designed opening in the wall for shooting (ambrazura) and watching the opponent. The fire station was part of the fortified area and a support point for the defense system to thwart German army units around the Misa near Olaine.

The marshy area was a very ungrateful place for warfare. Natural obstacles allowed the Russian army to establish a strong but difficult line of defense in a semicircle around Riga, the center of political and military command. For the warring parties, certain places in the Olaine area became especially important. The main traffic roads connecting Jelgava with Riga passed through Olaini. It was important for the German army to find weaknesses in the enemy's defense system and reach the right bank of the Misa River, which would pave the way for more favorable positions to occupy Riga.

Nowadays you can see the fortification. The Olaine Museum of History and Art and the World War I Trail are 4 km away. In turn, 7 km away is Plakanciems, where there was one of the first, most successful attacks of Latvian riflemen on the German army.


Used sources and references:

Edition of the Latvian Association of Old Riflemen. Latvian Riflemen, Part 1. Historical materials and memories. Riga: Army Printing House, 1929.